Thursday 11 June 2015


A well decorated home with wall paints and furniture that match is a sight to behold. Now, imagine placing a well-chosen flower at corners, near furniture or at entrances. Flowers bring life and feel to any room if well chosen. So I have made a list of my top ten indoor plants.
10 Best Indoor Plants
© PINKE | Flickr
The Gerbera daisy is a daisy-like flower that originates from South Africa. It comes in pleasant colors and varying sizes. It grows to about twenty inches when mature. This beauty also clears the room of benzene and trichloroethylene. It is easy to cater to so long as it has adequate exposure to sunlight.

This beautiful flower has characteristic stiff leaves. The leaves usually come in green, white or sometimes gray colors. The dracaena is most suitable near the edges of the wall. It grows well without much exposure to sunlight. It is a favorite for some because of its lively – yet not flamboyant – feel.

10 Best Indoor Plants
© Melina Stathopoulos | Flickr
Heart Leaf Philodendron as the name implies, features heart-shaped leaves. Although they can be grown in pots, they look even better when hung from a basket. Hanging the flower, the leaves are able to spill from the basket, hanging in the air. The heart leaf philodendron is a poisonous flower when eaten. It should be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

10 Best Indoor Plants
© Penn State|Flickr
These pretty flowers come from the Himalayan mountain of Southeast Asia. This flower has about 60 species. When taken proper care of, this flower has the potential to bloom a few times a year. If neglected however, it may bloom once or twice within the year. It helps remove formaldehyde.

10 Best Indoor Plants
© Steve Kennedy|Flickr
When this flower blooms, it adds to the appeal of the room, though this growth may take time to nurture. It serves well as a privacy screen between rooms. This flower helps in removing benzene, trichloroethylene and the ammonia from textiles and tiles.

10 Best Indoor Plants
© Rhonda Fleming Hayes|Flickr
Snake plant flower though common is a great asset to any room. They are fitting for bathrooms where they help remove formaldehyde that is emitted from tissue papers. These flowers do not require regular care to flourish. Their need for sunlight is minimal as they easily thrive in shady room corners.

Bamboo palm flower does not require a lot of sunlight to thrive. In fact it does best under shade and its beauty makes it a must have in a sitting room. It is very effective at ridding the environment of benzene and trichloroethylene. It is perfectly placed when near furniture. Cleaning the leaves of this flower keeps it clean and free of pests.

10 Best Indoor Plants
© VinceFL|Flickr
This is yet another must have especially if you have white walls. The Peace Orchid – a native of Southeast Asia – features a spadix encircled by a spathe. It is a popular indoor plant that cleans indoor air of the three most common VOCs (trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde.

10 Best Indoor Plants
© Marcel Molina Jr.|Flickr
This is a climbing plant. It originates from Southern Africa. It has a sturdy green stem, covered with spines. It comes in a variety of species. It rids the room of toluene, benzene and octane. It brings a natural feel to any room.

Gorgeous and sweet smelling this indoor flower comes in a variety of colors: pink, white, red, yellow etc. The Azalea grows slowly. They are not only good looking, these flowers also remove chemicals like formaldehyde from the room.


To forestall incomplete projects, it is recommended that all construction projects should be properly outsourced to professional contractors who will determine the success of the construction project. 
By articulating a plan that details every process from the point of design to the point of project completion. The bulk of their work can be broadly broken down into two;
  • Project Management
  • Pre-Construction work
Project Management
According to the Project management Institute, Project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction. It further states that project management processes falls into five groups which includes;
  1. Initiating: This is the phase of project where the scope of work is defined, the objectives are established and the deliverables expected are identified.
  2. Planning: The planning phase is the stage where the best courses of actions for the construction projects are defined and refined in other to attain the projects objectives.
  3. Executing: This is the stage where all the resources, human and otherwise are properly coordinated to carry out the project plan.
  4. Monitoring and Controlling: This is the stage that ensures that all the project objectives are met and also corrective actions are taken in case any problems arise. In this phase, performance reporting and risk monitoring and control are core.
  5. Closing: This stage plays the watchful eyes of the controlling processes that eventually lead to closing where the project is accepted and brought to an orderly end.
Note specifically that every construction is a project on its own and for it to be successfully executed, has to follow the principles of project management. These principles are guaranteed solutions to cost effectively and efficiently complete a project.
The art of project management ensures that every detail about the construction project is sorted out before commencement. A major factor of the project management process critical to the success of every construction project, is the initiating and planning process. This process phase also known as the pre-construction work, is the most important aspect of every project and is handled by a professional contractor.
Tips For Completing Construction Projects
construction engineer working with level 
Pre-Construction Work
Pre-construction work focuses on the preliminary planning and engineering that defines the construction projects scope, identifying potential issues and analyzing the cost impacts that will ensure the most efficient use of resources and money. Pre-construction work is needful because it helps the contractor or project owner to determine if the project is even viable or not. 
The following represents the possible outcomes or deliverable of a pre-construction work when handled by a professional contractor;
  1. Project scope: This is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks and deadlines.
  2. Execution plan: This is the aspect where the project strategy is defined. It describes the role of both human and material resources outlined for the project such as who does what and how. It also defines the policies, procedures and priorities of the project.
  3. Risk analysis: Statistics show that most construction projects are often exposed to risks and hazards, arising either from purely contractual and legal problems, unforeseen circumstances or natural hazards. More than often, contractors are faced with unexpected events, which were not calculated in the offer and the programme of works, leaving the contractor with unforeseen costs and losses. Risk analysis can be used to evaluate and calculate certain risks which shall be tendered in the contract.
  4. Constructible review: This is the process of identifying obstacles before a project is actually built to reduce or prevent errors, delays, and increase in cost.
  5. Integrated Project Schedule: This is a schedule that indicates the entire detailed task required to accomplish the work effort as described in the project scope.
  6. Engineering: This process deals with the designing, planning, construction and management details of the project.
  7. Procurement plan: The actual plan of what you have decided to buy for all the project materials and the source.
  8. Site plan and evaluation: This is a document detailing every important information on the evaluation of the construction site project. The plan can help prevent any possible conflict or crises.
  9. Basis of design: This explains the set of conditions, needs and requirements that will be taken into account in designing the construction project
The above deliverables from a professional contractor can help the project owner make a better informed decision on possible ways to make the project a reality. It will further avail the project owner on how to evaluate the different scenarios upfront and have a well defined path on how the construction project will go without fail.


Married couples often have the upper hand when it comes to buying property. Thanks to combined incomes and higher spending power, coupling up can take you one step closer to purchasing your dream home.
However, there are some important differences in the home-buying process for couples and singles. With this in mind, global property portal Lamudi has provided a cheat sheet for newlyweds and other couples looking to enter the real estate market for the first time.

If you and your spouse both have a good credit history, your chances of qualifying for a mortgage increase. By pooling your combined income, you will be able to afford a larger down payment and get a better deal on your mortgage. Be honest with your partner about your credit history – from any existing credit card debt to outstanding students loans – so you are well-equipped to approach a financial institution. 

If one partner has a lower credit score, you might need to consider applying for a mortgage without your spouse. The person with the lowest credit score is most likely to come under the microscope during the application process. If it is possible that your partner’s poor credit history will hurt your chances of qualifying for a loan and securing the property you want, you may decide to leave them off the application.

For unmarried couples who are nevertheless looking to purchase a home together, a home buying partnership agreement could be worth your while. This serves as a kind of prenuptial agreement for your home and protects both parties if the relationship does not work out. The legally binding agreement will outline the ownership terms, who pays for expenses such as mortgage repayments and taxes, and how the property will be divided in the event of a break-up. 

Once you have qualified for a mortgage, developing a good system for monitoring your combined finances is essential. The first step is to create a shared budget that you will both adhere to. Simple measures like applying for a joint bank account can simplify the process of tracking your finances. You might also consider using a budgeting app to stay organised. Above all, set a regular time to sit down together and review your goals and your financial position, and make sure you stay on track. 

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Eco-friendly materials are designed to cause the least possible damage to the environment and preserve human health when compared to common products.
Eco-friendly materials are durable and have a longer life span. These materials foster energy efficiency in buildings, and stem from renewable sources, meaning they should be locally available and can be recycled.
Due to the irreversible environmental impact of building constructions, eco-friendly building materials are the best way to combine growth in the construction industry and preserving the Earth’s resources. 
Many materials can be used for building but we will focus on the top eco-friendly building materials by category:
  • Bamboo, cork, reclaimed wood, stone tile, green linoleum, FSC wood planks, recycled wood planks, natural or recycled carpets, recycled rubber, recycled tile
  • Recycled metal, slate tile, clay tile, fiber cement, FSC wood shakes, green roof, sustainable wood, recycled rubber tiles
Exterior cladding
  • FSC wood siding, reclaimed wood siding, green-certified framing materials, concrete sourced from local suppliers
Walls and ceilings
  • Recycled-content drywall, FSC wood framing, salvaged structural members, recycled plastic boards, reclaimed wood. Others include green gypsum board, green plywood, clay/lime plaster, bamboo, cork, palm wood.
  • Use panels made from sustainable and non-toxic sources, loose fillings from newspaper and fibers treated with fire retardant, batted cavity insulation of treated fibers to replace fiberglass. Other materials include: recycled newspaper, recycled blue jeans, recycled plastic, wool, spray foam.
  • Use paint with low or no VOC, natural paint, non-toxic stain. Use natural or recycled fiber paper for backing and non-toxic inks for wall coverings, dyes for print patterns or paints.

Do you know any other eco-friendly building materials? Have you used any of the materials mentioned above? we would love to hear your about your experience, do share with us using the comment boxes below.